After reading Touch of Frost I was anxious to get my hands on a copy of Kiss of Frost and I was so excited when a copy showed up unexpectedly.The first half of this book was hard for me to relax into as I mostly annoyed and then about half way in the book got freaking EPIC!!! I mean seriously both the first and this one have had the same issues, but once you get past that half way mark it’s like a completely different book. Gwen has a snarky sense of humor that at times can come across as simply teenage agnsty whining and quite frankly it can annoy me to no end. And then she acts all brave and nice and not at all antsy teen and I fall in love with her once again. Gwen growing power intrigues me. I would love to have her power as it would broaden my talents so easily. (Really trying not to be spoilery, but seriously awesome power.)Nothing really happened in the first half of this book and the villain was predictable, but once the action started half way in (quite literally with a big bang) I was hooked. It was full of action, character development, and actual emotional crisis. The second half of this book flew by and by the end I was anxious for more. Logan didn’t play as big a role in this book as I would have liked and that was one of the reasons the beginning was so slow for me. Gwen was simply obsessed with him and he wasn’t actually a character except from her thoughts. When he got into the action it transformed the book. Logan is seriously hot and I can tell he will be a major player in the next book which I’m ultra excited about.Gwen has grown to have some friends in this sequel which I love! I love Oliver. He adds such an odd friendship to the storyline and I simply adore him. Gwen’s best friend is seriously a great best friend. She is consumed by her boyfriend, but still is always there for Gwen and makes sure she gets help when problems are too large for them to handle on their own.The adults in this book are supportive. I often find adults in YA are way to lax or simply don’t care. That is not the case here. Gwen has guidance not only from her Grandma, but her professors and librarian (even if he is a bit harsh at times). This book had a slow start for me and I got a bit annoyed at Gwen’s whining, but in the end this book was seriously magnificent!